Bounded MST

Bounded MST

This solver takes as input a set of degree-bounded nodes and a set of undirected, weighted edges, and outputs the lowest-cost degree-bounded minimum spanning tree. This is an NP-Complete problem, so three algorithms were modified and used for this project: Kruskal's, Prim's, and Linear Programming. Tested against a standardized set of solutions, half the outputs correctly computed the number of edges in the MST at a cost equal to or even lower than the solutions.

Minesweeper Solver

Minesweeper Pygame

Minesweeper is a game in which clicking a block reveals how many mines there are surrounding it. A player loses once they have clicked a block containing a mine. The solver computes the probability that each block contains a mine using Linear Programming, thereby allowing the game to be "solved" and for a player to win.